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Niveles óptimos de testosterona

More than 13 million men in the United States suffer from low testosterone levels due to the natural decrease in hormone production that occurs with aging, often beginning at about age 30. If you’re 35 or older, the symptoms of low testosterone, or “low T,” may sound familiar:


  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Hair loss

  • Weight gain

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Moodiness, irritability or depression

  • Diminished sex drive

  • Erectile dysfunction


Just as women can benefit from hormonal therapy once they enter menopause, the symptoms of low testosterone in men can be treated through testosterone therapy.


Low T: Causes

In most cases, low testosterone in men occurs as part of the natural cycle of aging. During adolescence, testosterone levels peak and remain high into early adulthood. But as we age, our bodies begin to produce less of the hormones necessary for healthy reproduction, which means decreases in levels of testosterone in men and lower levels of estrogen in women. The average decline in testosterone levels is about 1 percent per year, but it can be higher in some men; by the time a man reaches age 60, natural production of testosterone may be half of what it was during adolescence.
































Most men suffer in silence:

Many men fail to seek treatment for Low T due to the inherent embarrassment of discussing it and the lack of sensitivity exhibited by many traditional physicians and their staffs.


The majority of men suffering from Low T don't need to be yet there is a lack of qualified experts available to offer treatment.


Some men are proactive and ask their urologist or primary care physician about their testosterone level only to be dismissively told you are in the low-normal range; you'll be fine, or even worse, treated ineffectively. Others wasted money on worthless supplements and ill-trained anti-aging doctors.  Causing discouragement to set in all over again.


For Low T therapy to be successful it must be personalized to your needs.


Many men come to Optimal T because their primary care physician or urologist either wouldn't treat them or would give them a meager dose that had little effect.


Treating Low T isn't a matter of hitting a target number. It's based instead on treating the symptoms you're experiencing, and designing your therapy to alleviate those symptoms to attain the goals you've set with your medical professional. Because of this, building a relationship with our patients is of paramount importance in designing an effective Low T treatment. You can't do this in a 10-minute doctor's visit. Go to a drive-thru center promising a one-size-fits-all solution  which describes some of our competitors  and you'll waste time and money on a regimen that is either only partially helpful or completely ineffective.


We'll take the time to understand your medical and sexual history, your needs and concerns, with empathy and discretion. Our personalized treatment caters to your lifestyle and will enable you to reach peak performance while also improving your overall health. Our top concern? Your health and well-being.


Your Low T therapy destination in Omaha is designed to make your visit easy and convenient. The staff at Optimal T utilize a comprehensive panel of labs and patient symptoms to diagnose Low T conditions in men, and recommend appropriate treatment options for each patient. We invite you to come see for yourself why we are so successful in helping men get treatment for Low T symptoms.


Feel Younger, More Energetic at Optimal T

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346-888-4377 Fax
Centro T óptimo
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